Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Andrew's 1 Year Diabetes Anniversary

I cannot believe that it has been one year since Andrew was diagnosed with diabetes.  This past week has been hard on me emotionally as I've been rehashing things in my head.

As I was driving home from my last bible study session last night, I prayed to God that He would help me get through this emotional setback that I was having.

When I went in to check Andrew at midnight, I just stood there and watched him sleep so peacefully.  It was then that God spoke to me.  He reminded me that this November 22 was not a day to mourn, but a day to celebrate Andrew's good health.

The evening Andrew was diagnosed, his blood sugar reading was 567.  I cannot even imagine how crummy he was feeling on the inside.  He was also overweight.  This November 22, he is 17 pounds lighter and experiencing a wonderful honeymoon period.  His blood sugar reading this evening was a beautiful 117.  Thank you God for the blessing of insulin!

It has been a hard year, but God has carried us through when we couldn't do it ourselves.

  1. God prompted me to test Andrew in the first place with my own glucometer.  Andrew was experiencing a lot of thirst and I knew in my gut that something was wrong.  Keep in mind that my mother's intuition took us to an endocrinologist just 3 months prior to this because I just knew that something was not right.  I specifically asked the doctor about thyroid and diabetes due to his weight.  He said that there was no reason why they needed to test him and sent us back out the door.  When me and my husband tried to get Andrew's blood, he was extrememly combative.  Just when we were going to give up, I felt God's prompting telling me to keep going until we get what we need.
  2. He prompted me when I accidentally gave Andrew the wrong insulin.  Believe it or not, a couple weeks after diagnosis, God sent a wonderful waitress to our table who happened to be a mom of a newly diagnosed child with diabetes.  She WARNED me of this exact thing happening and advised me to mark my long acting insulin bottle with stickers.  Obviously I didn't listen thinking that I would  never do such a thing as mix up the insulin bottles.  God taught me a huge lesson that evening. Thankfully, DQ is literally 2 minutes from our house and we were able to get a large blizzard right before they closed.  After a large blizzard, juice boxes, and packets of peanut butter crackers, Andrew was finally in the clear.  
  3. He kept prompting me to switch endocrinologists.  This led to a 17 pound weight loss for Andrew and the elimination of type 2 diabetes.  
  4. He helped me to keep great records so we could finally get to the bottom of Andrew's plummet at lunchtime each day.  
  5. He helped me to stand my ground regarding insulin dosing in the hospital when Andrew was admitted for his mixed meal test.  It's not easy to disagree with doctors.  I respect them, but the bottom line is that parents know their child best.
  6. He kept Andrew safe during his intestinal biopsy for celiac disease.  
  7. He proved to Andrew that no matter what happens in his life, good or bad, He is ALWAYS there for him!  
  8. He taught me a huge lesson in trust and obedience.  The day of Andrew's diagnosis, I was returning from Beth Moore's Breaking Free bible study.  That night on the way home, I said to the Lord, "Lord, I give you all of myself and my family, including the kids."  I had been a Christian for 15 years at this point, but never truly realized what it meant to give everything to the Lord.  Little did I know that God was preparing me for what was ahead through that bible study.  His grace just abounds!  I almost didn't do the bible study in the first place, but God worked through another woman who called and convinced me that I needed to go.  This woman contacted me on several occasions letting me know that God had placed me on her heart and that she was praying for me.  God allowed me to break free of any strongholds that I was experiencing so that I would be prepared for what was to come.  Through God, that bible study changed my life.  He has and  always will be my ROCK which I will forever stand!



  1. Wow! Happy D-versary. You have accomplished SO much in the last year! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. :)

  2. Nikki-you've come so far-you have reason to rejoice! : ) Hope your Thanksgiving goes smoothly! ; ) Hugs!

  3. I am so thankful that things have improved for you all this past year.. God is so very good!! Praying for you..Isaac's one year anniversary of having diabetes will be next month. We have been truly blessed this past year also! God will always be there for us :) Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your life and sharing your story about diabetes!!

  4. Without His help, we'd all be lost!

  5. What a great testimony to God's faithfulness to your family through the past year. This will be a post you will want to reread in the future I am sure.
