Thursday, August 11, 2011

Way to Go Walgreens!!!

"The Walgreens partnership with JDRF spans over 20 consecutive years and has raised over $18 million dollars in support of diabetes research. Walgreens generates over $1 million annually for JDRF through innovative retail programming in more than 7,600 outlets in the United States and Puerto Rico." ~ taken from JDRF's website.

I am so impressed with Walgreen's!  We were in there the other day to pick up some folders for school and as we were checking out, there was a paper sitting in front of the register asking for $1 donation.

I usually pass over things like that, but 4 little letters drew me in like sugar to a sugarholic.  Those letters were JDRF.   Boy did that get my attention!

Well, OF COURSE I'll add $1 onto my order!  I was actually giddy to get out my money to pay for it.  The kids were bee bopping around when I noticed this, so of course I called them over to set their sights on this beautiful little piece of paper.

As soon as Andrew read it, he lit up like a Christmas tree!  We were all like a bunch of giddy kids that just found the best present ever.hehe  Jessica told the cashier that Andrew has type 1 and he happily placed his hand on the counter to show off his bracelet.  Andrew got to sign the paper which was a special thing for him and for me.

The cashier really didn't "get it", but we did and that's all that matters.  Andrew walked out of there with the biggest smile on his face.  I think that was the first time that he felt that he isn't in this diabetes fight alone.  He realized that there are "real" people out there trying their hardest to raise money to find a cure.'s very humbling.


1 comment:

  1. Noticed those papers the other day when picking up an Rx. Love it! :)
